Showmanship helps Salesmanship!
Getting ready to sell? You can easily arouse the prospect’s desire for your home by making it attractive. Here are some friendly Do’s & Don’ts in home staging that will assist in the visibility of your home’s best amenities in preparation for showing a home for sale.
Stage Preparation For Showing
First Impressions
An inviting exterior insures inspection of the interior. Keep lawn trimmed, flower beds cultivated, and yard debris to a minimum.
Faded walls and worn woodwork reduce the desire. Don’t tell buyers how it will look- show them by redecorating first. A quicker sale with a higher offer will be the result.
Bright, cheery windows and unmarred walls will assist your sale.
Fix the Faucet
Dripping water discolors and calls attention to faulty plumbing.
A Day with the Carpenter
Loose doorknobs, sticking drawers, warped cabinet doors, etc., will be noticed by the buyer or the inspector. You should have them fixed if at all possible
From Top to Bottom
Remove all unnecessary articles that have accumulated. Display the full range of your storage and utility spaces.
Step high- Step Low
The prospect will do just that unless all passageways are cleared of objects. Avoid cluttered appearances and possible injuries.
Closet Illusions
Clothes properly hung, shoes, hats, and other articles neatly placed, will help your closets to appear spacious and adequate for proper use.
Dear to Her Heart is the Kitchen
Colorful curtains in harmony with the floor and counter tops, add appeal for the Future Lady of the House.
Check and Double Check Your Bathroom
Bright and clean bathrooms sell homes.
See the Light?
Illumination is a Welcome Sign. For an after dark inspection, turn on the lights, throughout the house. A buyer will feel a “glowing warmth” otherwise impossible to attain.
Showing The House
“Three’s A Crowd”
Avoid having too many people present during viewings. This could cause the buyer to feel like an intruder and rush through the showing
Music is Mellow
While music can be subtle we don’t recommend having it on during the showing of your home. Allow the agent and the buyer to talk, free of disturbances.
Love Me; Love My Dog
Does not apply in this situation. Keep pets out of the way- preferably out of the house.
Silence is Golden
Be courteous but don’t force conversation with the prospect. They are here to inspect your home let them initiate questions.
Be it Ever so Humble
Never apologize for the appearance of the house after all, it has been lived in. Let the real estate agent answer any questions when raised he/she has a working relationship with the buyer…
Please Don’t Tag Along
The agent knows what the Buyer is specifically looking for and can better recognize the features of your home, which will appeal to them, when left alone.
Words to the Wise
DO NOT DISCUSS price, terms, possession or other factors with the buyer or their agent. Refer them to us; we will handle all negotiations with professionalism and in your best interest.
We ask that you DO NOT show your home to prospective customers. *Appointments Should be Made Through our Office for Professional and Security Reasons* Your cooperation is appreciated and leads to a more prompt conclusion.
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